Trouble in Paradise?

Well that didn’t take long. Olbermann usually waits at least a year at his employment before becoming toxic. Apparently it’s been fast tracked at Current. The New York Times’ Brian Stelter writes

In the television industry, Mr. Olbermann is well known for fights with his bosses; stories abound about his refusal to speak to managers and executives. At Current, this behavior has continued, according to four people with knowledge of the situation, one of whom described Mr. Olbermann as “disgruntled.”

The people spoke on condition of anonymity because speaking publicly could jeopardize their jobs. Current’s chief executive, David Bohrman, did not respond to requests for comment on Thursday, on what is traditionally a holiday week. Mr. Olbermann did not respond to an e-mail.

Mr. Olbermann’s absences from Current’s election special reports — dubbed “Politically Direct” — are a setback for the channel as it tries to become known for political news and talk.

Somewhere Phil Griffin is saying to himself, “Better you than me”

25 Responses to “Trouble in Paradise?”

  1. Current becomes The Young Turks Channel as Olby exits the building. Countdown is Godawful boring, while Cenk’s show and specials have youth and energy, with a healthy sprinkling of “the left isn’t much better than the right”. Al Gore should run with it, and wave bye-bye to gasbag.

  2. Walter Winchell ended up handing out his newsletter to people passing by on the street. “Here ya go, sir”.

    Olbermann will be left tweeting to anyone who will follow him. “You’re an idiot, sir”.

    Same thing, different technology, albeit different styles.

  3. Damn! I wasn’t the most cordial employee at different jobs I’ve had, and I never got the salary or severance that this buffoon is commanding.

    And he is “disgruntled”? I want to meet an employee who is simply “gruntled”.

  4. The problem for Current is they gave Olby a stake in the company and made him and executive. He’s also a much bigger part of the lineup than he was at MSNBC, and they based the rebranding around him.

  5. Well, at one point somebody thought it a good idea to make Caligula an emperor. Eventually his own guard dispatched him from the network.

  6. I think the problem could possibly be traced to David Bohrman joining Current. Either they got Bohrman because Olbermann wasn’t working out as “Chief News Executive” or whatever his title is or the hiring of Bohrman put a bur under Olbermann’s saddle.

  7. I’ve sent my recommendation to Al Gore which involves launching Obermann into space. With only his silhouette viewed in front of a movie screen, KO would make funny comments as bad films were projected. Should budget allow, a robot sidekick or two could be added.

  8. How many times dose KO have to pull these temper tantrums before networks get a clue that they shouldn’t hire him?

  9. One more time, Mlong. He can hostly a weekly show on HDNet..

  10. He’ll always have twitter……

  11. ^ If Twitter ever puts a maximum on the number you can block, he’s screwed.

  12. He’ll start his own commentary and “news” website before long. He’ll be a 1-man-band (unless he fires himself).

    Then, we’ll see hm return as a writer featured in the Times and other left-of-center publications. There, he’ll be able to spread his insults, without any actual management. The only problem will come when he tries to attack O’Reilly, and the paper says, “Who cares? Do something else.” Then he’ll get upset again, and storm off into the cyber shadows again.

  13. Well he could follow Beck and create his own Internet TV show…he would finally have a Boss he won’t tick off.

  14. He’s no idiot. Even though he’s a whiner who loves to create temper tantrums, for some reason people are paying him the big bucks.

    We should be so lucky. Instead of trying to improve on my skill set to get another job, I should be pouting. That’s where the money’s at!

  15. savefarris Says:

    How many times dose KO have to pull these temper tantrums before networks get a clue that they shouldn’t hire him?

    They have. Calling Current a “network” is a stretch by any definition.

  16. I suspect he doesn’t think any of this is fair after he sucked up to Al Gore and all.

  17. The lights went out one night on the set, so they continued with a black screen, like on Charlie Rose. Genius thought it looked cool, so now he sits in the dark every night. Yeah, he should be running a cable channel…

  18. “Ya think our set looks cheap? There. Fixed.”

  19. The next few weeks should be very interesting.

    I thought something was up when KO changed his Twitter profile. He removed references to “Chief News Officer” at Current TV and references to the times of his shows. (He does link to the Countdown page on

    When I read it was Cenk, Granholm, and Gore who covered the debate follow-ups, I was certain something was wrong. Now it looks like KO will be preempted next Monday and Tuesday for Caucus coverage and KO won’t be part of the coverage.

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