Open Mouth, Insert Foot…

The Washington Post’s Howard Kurtz writes about Ed Schultz putting his foot in it by incorrectly relaying the amount BP donated to Mary Landrieu’s campaign…not once but twice.

“It is unfortunate that in the rush to portray Senator Landrieu as a ‘shill’ for BP, such an egregious error was made, especially at a time when Senator Landrieu was unable to defend herself on air,” says Landrieu spokesman Robert Sawicki. “The right thing to do would have been to correct the record with numbers that truly show how far off his claim really was.”

Sawicki says the network didn’t respond to his follow-up complaint, but “The Ed Show” corrected the mistake Friday after I called MSNBC. Spokesman Jeremy Gaines says the initial number came from a post, which itself was quickly corrected, and the second wrong figure was from a watchdog group. He says the “initial plan” was for Schultz to ask Landrieu about the donations during the interview.

I don’t know what’s worse, Schultz’s and his staff getting it wrong twice? Or the fact that they lifted the source material from CNN and a “watchdog group” rather than use their own resources? They are a news network after all…

6 Responses to “Open Mouth, Insert Foot…”

  1. lonestar77 Says:

    I guess it takes Ed going after a Democrat for Howie and other left-wing journo’s to take note of Eddie’s complete disregard for facts?

  2. chipsohio Says:

    I don’t know what’s worse, Schultz’s and his staff getting it wrong twice? Or the fact that they lifted the source material from CNN and a “watchdog group” rather than use their own resources? They are a news network after all…

    Spud…unfortunately the budget cuts at NBC are impacting the news gathering operations. When you’ve made as many cuts as NBC has, in the news operations, quality suffers.

    Just curious, is quoting competition (CNN) or a “watchdog group” common practice @ MSNBC?

  3. missy5537 Says:

    OK, so Schulz went after Mary Landrieu for her BP contributions (which turned out to be $17K recently; $28K over the past 20 years, per the attached item from Reuters). But did he mention ANYTHING about 0bama, who, at $77K, was by far the biggest beneficiary of BP’s contributions?

    Something tells me that there’s NO WAY IN HELL he would have even dared to mention his beloved POTUS!

  4. …unfortunately the budget cuts at NBC are impacting the news gathering operations. When you’ve made as many cuts as NBC has, in the news operations, quality suffers.

    Yes, what a shame. Making a few rare mistakes and apologizing for them. That really shows the lack of “quality“. Unlike Fox News making mistake after mistake… after more mistakes, and apologizing almost never. What does that make their quality? And, from what I know, they haven’t made budget cuts… yet, their research department is still atrocious.

  5. missy5537 Says:

    Nice accusations, dougie. Care to provide any examples?

  6. joeremi Says:

    Big Ed got caught running a show with NBC News resources like it was his radio show. He’s used to grabbing data from CNN and “watchdog groups”, which is usually reliable enough for radio-chat world. He needs to realize he’s on a news channel now.

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