Pentagon Says no NBC Favoritism…

Yahoo News’ Michael Calderone writes about NBC’s live coverage the Iraq convoy pullout last night…

So how did NBC News get such incredible access and network bragging rights? Well, they asked.

Douglas Wilson, the assistant secretary of defense for public affairs, told The Upshot that “there was nothing pro-active on our part” and that Engel simply “requested that he and the Bloommobile ride in one of the last convoys.”

“There was absolutely no favoritism,” Wilson continued. “Actually, we didn’t know this was something exclusive. This was a normal press request and we supported it.”

Col. Barry Johnson, a military spokesman in Iraq, also told The Upshot that the network wasn’t handed the story.

“NBC did not receive exclusive coverage,” Johnson said. “Other media participated as well. However, at NBC’s request and with the backing of the Pentagon, they were allowed to place a satellite truck in the convoy and report on the movement once it crossed the border.”

6 Responses to “Pentagon Says no NBC Favoritism…”

  1. If the Pentagon says no favoritism on the record, I will take them at their word.

    Now I’d like to see Calderone find out if the other networks are griping about NBC’s big-time success.

  2. You’d be surprised how much you can get just from asking. This is true for any news organization either nationally or locally.

  3. Helloooo out there.
    Is jwe3 the only one willing to say it may have not have been some giant conspiracy and that they may have been mistaken.
    Thanks for posting this jwe3 it garners you a lot of respect in my books; not that my respect should matter to you.
    Of course; I’ll still feel free to dismiss your comments at will. 🙂

  4. Helloooo out there

    Because, of course, people (political or career) at the Pentagon (under Democrat or Republican Administrations) have never lied. Or gotten their stories wrong and also lied (Pat Tillman anyone?).

    Since there is no evidence to indicate otherwise, I accept the explanation here of no favoritism.

    Not to make this partisan but really, Fritz3, did you uncritically accept whatever the Pentagon stated during the Bush years?

    As I said, I accept the explanation since there’s nothing else to show differently.

  5. “Not to make this partisan but really, Fritz3, did you uncritically accept whatever the Pentagon stated during the Bush years?”
    Under Gates yes; under Rummy never.
    I see your point here but in this case there really isn’t any reason to suspect they are not telling the truth on this subject.

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