The Hazards of Live TV: #25,135

They all look alike anyway. It’s not been a good week for the FNC graphics department. There goes your X-mas bonus…

Update: Yes Bill…I spelled Christmas that way just for you…

4 Responses to “The Hazards of Live TV: #25,135”

  1. The graphic is correct. Both Romney and Obama do have a lot in common.

  2. And BTW this is coming from a registered republican who is pretty disappointed in the GOP field.

  3. First the Christine O’Donnell endorsement, now this. There are no ‘accidents’..

    — registered republican who is pretty disappointed in the GOP field —

    You’ll need to narrow that down, just a pinch.

  4. Well, I’m a registered and LICENSED Republican and can perform marriages in three townships of Ohio. And I’m happy with the field. Except Newt. And Bachman. And maybe Santorum. And that old Paul coot. And Mormons are weird… except Osmonds.

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