Target: Comcast…

The Hollywood Reporter’s Paul Bond writes about Conservative groups organizing to protest Comcast letting MSNBC run wild on progressive pastures. Or something…

Those attending Comcast’s annual meeting of shareholders in Philadelphia on May 15 might have to wade through a throng of conservative protesters angry about the media conglomerate’s news coverage at its left-leaning MSNBC cable network.

And since some of the demonstrators are also shareholders, they’re planning on taking their act inside, as well, where they’ll accuse Comcast CEO Brian Roberts of engaging in liberal propaganda instead of news at MSNBC.

The initiative is Stage 1 in an effort organized by tea partyers and other right-wing activists to challenge Roberts about Comcast’s news operations in a variety of public forums.

This week, 60,000 invitations were emailed to tea partyers in and around Philadelphia and word went out to about 4 million more nationwide that their services are needed beginning at 8 a.m. EST at the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts Perelman Theater in Philadelphia, where Comcast’s meeting is set.

This has no chance of going anywhere…for the moment. But I do love this…

Among the organizers are Tom and Deneen Borelli, who have a habit of showing up at shareholders meetings for a variety of companies they own stock in and asking CEOs pointed questions relating to their commitment to free markets and capitalism.

You mean “free markets” like being able to program your shows how you see fit and have them live and die by the advertising dollar, right?



There are two proven ways to affect programming changes. The first is to not watch in numbers large enough to affect the ratings which would necessitate a programming change. The second is to put pressure on advertisers and hope they cave and pull their advertising (they usually don’t but sometimes it works). Going to a shareholder meeting and railing when you don’t have the shareholder votes in large enough numbers to make the company stand up and take notice never accomplishes much.

18 Responses to “Target: Comcast…”

  1. Boycotts virtually never work. These people have too much time on their hands. Let the left have their little playpen.

  2. Gee, Deneen Borelli who regularly appears on Sean Hannity, and kvetches about the Conservative Outrage of the Day? Sean Hannity, who consistently conflates MS with NBC? Ahem.

  3. This story makes me SO happy. 😉

  4. Protest is as American as apple pie. Go for it boys and girls!

  5. If Joe’s happy, I’m happy.

  6. This, my children, is why you check on shows that you don’t much like.

  7. “Most Americans don’t know who Roberts is or that Comcast owns NBC – we aim to change that,” Borelli said.

    Look for him on The Factor.

  8. ^ I have you and Ice for this. Close enough.

  9. Watch where you put that arrow, Sparky.

  10. While Borelli’s at it, she might want to explain to Sean who the people at MSNBC work for…

  11. ^
    Oh, oh, oh, I think I know that Joe. Is the answer SATAN?

  12. People who have never and will never watch MSNBC want to boycott MSNBC?

  13. They should be sentenced to a week of Smirky McSmirkster.

  14. People always need a hobby, Andy. This is theirs.

  15. savefarris Says:

    People who have never and will never watch MSNBC want to boycott MSNBC?

    People who have never and will never watch/hear FOX/Beck/Limbaugh boycott them ALL THE TIME. It’s just the way we do things now.

  16. Time for book burnings in the protest. Recommend they start with Mika’s.

  17. Is Mika still on the Morning Joe Book Tour?

  18. It’s not Comcast – it’s NBCU’s union membership apparently they don’t just work for NBCU but they provide and approve the content. They are choking the peacock. SEE Hostess Twinkie.

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