Shooting Fish In A Barrel…

Andrew Kirell ridicules Ronan Farrow who put his foot into it on Twitter earlier today. I wasn’t going to bother as it was too easy but since Kirell, apparently bored with Memorial Day stuff, bothers to not break a sweat, I’ll just highlight what he wrote since it mirrors my own feelings…

Boy genius and MSNBC host Ronan Farrow wants you to know his dating life is like a harrowing Holocaust film, and his business meetings tend to play out like a classic French coming of age film.

The man to whom MSNBC gave a show because of his social media savvy made the comparison on his Twitter account Monday evening, stunning us all with his hilarious wit and undeniable charm:

Ah, yes. His dating life is like a gruesome, three-hour film about a German businessman who witnesses mass extermination of Jews and sets out to rescue a bunch; and his business meetings are like a postmodern French film about two girls who explore their sexuality and class differences.

One Response to “Shooting Fish In A Barrel…”

  1. Oh, I’ll save my scorn for Ed Schutz tweets.

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