Big Time Sour Grapes…

CNN’s Brian Stelter writes about the Trump campaign barring Univision journalists from covering Trump events because Trump is suing Univision over the Miss Universe pagent fiasco…

On Friday evening Univision staffers confirmed that they weren’t given press credentials for a Trump rally at the candidate’s resort in Doral, Florida. Univision is the most-watched Spanish-language network in the United States.

Jorge Ramos, one of the network’s best-known anchors, tweeted that the journalists “were not allowed” to cover the rally.

A Trump campaign spokeswoman told CNN, “Mr. Trump is suing Univision for $500 million and until that is resolved it is a conflict of interest.”

Bullshit. There is no conflict of interest. In the modern history of Corporate America suing Media America, those media entities with journalism wings weren’t blocked from covering the plaintiff’s events.

For example, GM sued NBC (and settled) over a Dateline story. GM didn’t block NBC from covering its events and NBC didn’t slant its coverage of NBC as a result of the lawsuit.

Moreover, Univision’s news division isn’t even the subject of this particular lawsuit. It’s Univision’s entertainment wing that’s being sued.

This is nothing more than Trump using the lawsuit as an excuse to keep Univision away. It’s sour grapes, pure and simple.

4 Responses to “Big Time Sour Grapes…”

  1. Grandpa Dave Says:

    Pure Trump. Maybe an intern did this.

  2. Agreed. Not only is Donald Trump the pettiest, most thin skinned and narcissistic politician in this years Republican primary field but I think in the history of American politics you can make a case he leads the field in those qualities.

  3. …yet people still support him in rather large numbers. I don’t get it. *sigh*

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