The Hazards of Live TV: #25,075

NewsBusters’ Noel Sheppard spots a Rachel Maddow Show re-shoot…

Maybe more hysterically, the story doesn’t end there, for someone must have noticed Maddow’s error and decided to re-film this final section for the video to be posted at MSNBC’s website and possibly the reruns.

18 Responses to “The Hazards of Live TV: #25,075”

  1. Yeah I saw that and thought she had misspoken.
    The whole discussion that Christie had made a math error in his statement was pretty lame so I think she deserves the all the sarcasm she will get here and on other media sites.
    But it wouldn’t surprise me if she came on tonight and owned up to the gaffe with a bit of self depreciating humor. That’s her style and one of the reasons I like her show so much.
    Have at it guys.

  2. imnotblue Says:

    fritz3 Says:
    August 26, 2010 at 7:59 am

    I dunno… re-shooting it isn’t the most “self deprecating.” Looks more like covering one’s tracks.

  3. Re-shooting doesn’t preclude fessing up to it later, it just fixes it so future viewers who are unaware of the “fessing” don’t get stuck with the fuzzy math. That said, pointing out the difference between 2.2 and 3 was lame. She’s not normally that petty.

  4. Gee Blue I did say tonight and I was talking about the re-shoot as well as the original gaffe (she couldn’t talk about one without the other); but don’t let that get in your way. Sheesh.

  5. Let’s just wait & see if she corrects her error. What I wish is that all the math errors our government made about the cost of Obamacare would be for such miniscule amounts as we are talking about here.

  6. “Let’s just wait & see if she corrects her error.”
    Eh They did. Last night in the second show. They just need to own up to screwing up.

  7. imnotblue Says:

    fritz3 Says:
    August 26, 2010 at 8:42 am

    I stand by my original comment. Couldn’t she have already owned up to it in the reshoot? “In the first airing, I made a mistake and said 2.2, just like the Governor! My mistake, the actual number is 3.”

    Unless she owns up to it tonight by playing the whole clip beforehand, the “hilarity” that was pointed out in the Newsbusters article (she sarcastically attacked the Governor, then made the same mistake), will be lost. That’s what made this minor error more worthwhile.

  8. Blue, it’s too minor of a mistake to be worthy of this much attention. I saw it the first time it aired, was confused about the way she phrased it, but still understood what she was trying to say. I was more bewildered by the fact she mentioned it at all, than that she misstated it. The mistake itself is too minor to mention again, and I doubt she will.

  9. imnotblue Says:

    joeremi Says:
    August 26, 2010 at 9:45 am

    Blue, it’s too minor of a mistake to be worthy of this much attention.

    Frankly, on that we agree. She’s an info-tainment personality who got caught being snarky and holier-than-thou, and then making the same mistake. This isn’t necessarily unique.

    The only thing that makes it different is that Maddow, for unknown reasons, has been picked by many in the media to be the new standard bearer for everything that is right in the world. Every week, it seems, there’s a new story fluffing Maddow, like she’s the “new Pepsi.” When the fact is, she’s just the same old thing in a slightly newer package.

    Stop pretending Maddow is the messiah (not you specifically), and mistakes like these will fade away as well.

  10. I think Rachel is better at being a fair-minded partisan than most, but that bar is pretty low, eh?

  11. mlong5000 Says:

    I would for her to have the guts to have Christie on her show…he’s already proven he’s not afraid to speak his mind and Madcow might find herself facing an worthy opponent……I will say this about Madcow atleast she sometimes isn’t afraid to have some one on with opposing views….unlike that wimp KO.

  12. Christie as a guest on Maddow’s show would be very interesting, as well as entertaining. They both seem to have good senses of humor. She should consider inviting him.

  13. ^ I totally agree. Christie is a smart guy and very civil. They would have a very smart debate on the issues; well worth watching. I doubt his handlers would be happy ( handlers always like to control the show) but Christie seems pretty independent. Who knows; it could happen.

  14. That was hilarious. So funny I had to watch it twice. And I don’t care if she mentions something about it or not – no biggie. She may want to get her karma refilled, though,

  15. I would bet money Christie has a standing invitation to her show.

  16. mlong5000 Says:

    They both could appear before a chalkboard with 2+2=5 on it wearing dunce caps….LOL.

  17. 2+2=3 would be funnier. Just sayin’.

  18. About as ‘funny’ as ‘madcow’. Ick.

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