And yet Another Keith Olbermann Interview…

The AP’s Frazier Moore, another name I haven’t typed in a while, profiles Keith Olbermann and his show and gives more of a peak into the direction Current wants to go…

“I think we’ll become a very important home base for independent, progressive thinking on television,” says Current CEO Mark Rosenthal. “Our goal is to get every last one of the viewers who watched Keith before — and then some. And I think we can do it.”

Olbermann says plans already are afoot for the 2012 presidential race, including coverage of the primaries, debates and election night.

“Eventually, the network is going to be all news, information and analysis — certainly in prime time,” he says. “Initially, we hope to sneak up on people. But the ultimate goal is, to be the provider of news analysis for more people than any other cable outlet.

“The goal,” he declares with a confident smile, “is world domination.”

10 Responses to “And yet Another Keith Olbermann Interview…”

  1. mlong5000 Says:

    CURRENT is already pretty Leftwing how much more Liberal can it go?…and is there really demand for another ultra Leftwing news network?…there’s already plenty of them.

  2. stevemg Says:

    Companies usually have to pay thousands of dollars for PR like this.

    The AP did it for free.

  3. Current is the home of quality programming, like “Kill It, Cook It, Eat It” and “Bar Karma,” which is about a magical bar that can transport through time.

    Keith Olbermann will be a step down for the network that brings us such quality TV.

  4. lonestar77 Says:

    “Our goal is to get every last one of the viewers who watched Keith before — and then some. And I think we can do it.”

    There’s absolutely no chance. Who, who didn’t watch Keith before, is going to watch him now? And, it’s not reasonable to expect all of his former viewers to follow him over to a channel that most people don’t even know exists.

  5. lonestar77 Says:

    I just read the article and Wow! Could you imagine someone from the AP writing a story like this about Beck, Hannity, O’Reilly or anyone similar?

  6. paminwi Says:

    Spelling correction: “Keith Olbermann and his show and gives more of a peak into the direction Current wants to go…” peek – not peak

  7. ^^^^^^^
    Whineeeeeeee! 🙂

  8. paminwi Says:

    hey fritz3: if you were the owner of something and you were it’s’ face for the world to see would you not want someone to point out an error if they cared about you?

  9. Sorry Pam. You are correct of course.

    My response was more of a comment on the general tone of the comments above yours.

  10. My impression of Joel Hyatt has long been as a masterful shyster and his partnering with Al Gore, the consummate global warming shyster, makes perfect sense.

    Maybe Olbermann’s job is to raise the value of the network enough that those two can sell it.

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