Ed Schultz Blows a Gasket?

Page Six dishes that Ed Schultz had a meltdown inside 30 Rock…

MSNBC talk show screamer Ed Schultz had a meltdown in the network’s 30 Rock newsroom, shouting at staff, “I’m going to torch this [bleep]ing place.”

The hot-tempered anchor of “The Ed Show” lost it during a phone call in the packed studio and slammed down the phone before exploding.

As astonished MSNBC staff members fell silent, Schultz glared around the room and yelled, “[Bleep]ers!”

A witness told us, “Ed was furious the network was running election-night promos and he wasn’t in them. He’d been arguing on the phone with marketing, then he slammed down the phone and exploded. It was like Mel Gibson had entered the newsroom.”

Fuming Schultz was immediately dragged in for a meeting with NBC News President Steve Capus and MSNBC President Phil Griffin following his Aug. 12 meltdown.

Our source added, “Schultz was told: ‘If you do that again, you are fired.’ He broke down crying.”

Normally I’d be saying yeah, yeah it’s The Post and it’s Page Six. However…this time I think they have the story cold and this is why…

There are two key data points in the Page Six story to focus on, what Schultz “said” and the date he said it (I’ll get to why in a moment). According to Page Six, Schultz said “I’m going to torch this [bleep]ing place.” and he said it on August 12.

This is what happened at the end of Morning Joe on Aug 13th, the day after the alleged incident…

At the time I saw this I thought, “What was THAT all about?” It seemed a rather odd outburst for Joe to make and totally out of context with the discourse that had been going on prior to it. But now that I’ve read this Page Six story, Joe’s “outburst” becomes perfectly clear…he was mocking Schultz’s meltdown the day before.

34 Responses to “Ed Schultz Blows a Gasket?”

  1. Boy Spud pretty good detective work.
    I buy the story with maybe the exception of Schultz breaking down crying. That sounds like a little Page 6 piling on.
    Schultz may be a bit nervous as it evident that MSNBC brass are looking to find a spot for Cenk Uygur.
    I’m not a big Schultz fan; to hot for my liking; so if he does get replaced by Uygur I won’t be shedding any tears. The same goes for Ratigan and Matthews first hour.
    As for Scarborough’s comment. Talk about the pot calling kettle black. Sheesh

  2. lonestar77 Says:

    Well last night he once again called tea party people racists. I would think that’d be enough to get him out of Griffin & Capus’ doghouse.

    Good work, Spud.

  3. lonestar77 Says:

    oops, not “racists”, nazi’s. Well, “brown shirts” to be more precise.

  4. Dayum… Spud is good

  5. Well last night he once again called tea party people racists

    And two days ago he was lecturing everyone about the need to not associate or lump an entire group of people, i.e., Muslims, with the behavior of some of the group, i.e., the Islamists and AQ.

    Good (half) point, Ed.

    He has the self-awareness of a fruit fly.

  6. I buy the “crying” thing. He’s (obviously) an emotional person, and I can see him breaking down after cracking up.

  7. KO is tweeting that this story shouldn’t be believed because it’s from the NY Post. No mention of the Scarborough reaction however.

  8. mlong5000 Says:

    He’s a nut….but what gets me is the double standard Rush and Glenn are called out on everything they say (or don’t)but Crazy Ed is hardly ever called on some of the hate filled things he say’s…..I guess that because no one really watches or listens to him but still.

  9. ^ That’s a lovely non-denial denial out of Olby. Why do they let him tweet?

  10. KO is tweeting that this story shouldn’t be believed because it’s from the NY Post

    Well, the Post clearly doesn’t have the multiple layers of editorial fact-checking and sourcing that KO employs. To wit, verifying stories, inviting people on to respond to his criticism, allowing another point of view on a topic, balance, objectivity.

    Those standards. The “real journalism” that Olbermann says he practices.


  11. Actually, Mlong, I think you’re right on this one. Rush and Glenn have large conservative audiences, plus are monitered by liberals for that very reason. The only people who watch Ed are the libs that like him, and that’s a relatively small group. I agree with some of his vitriolic statements, but I don’t like the show. It tends to be on my TV if I don’t think to switch to Special Report, but that’s usually because I’m not really watching at the moment.

  12. imnotblue Says:

    joeremi Says:
    August 26, 2010 at 10:13 am

    ^ That’s a lovely non-denial denial out of Olby. Why do they let him tweet?

    Because MSNBC is too afraid (as we’ve seen) to tell him “no” to anything.

  13. apersonxinf Says:

    I think the incident happened August 11th. Cause if you look at the Morning Joe transcript for August 12th, Joe started “torching the place” early and often.
    See: http://www6.lexisnexis.com/publisher/EndUser?Action=UserDisplayFullDocument&orgId=574&topicId=100007220&docId=l:1240322776&start=3

    Sample excerpts:
    -“”Morning Joe” starts right now. We are going to torch this place!”

    “UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s getting hot in here.
    SCARBOROUGH: You torched that place, man! That was great! Hey, so, Jon, you can always tell who is holding four aces.”

    -“First, here is Bill Karins on the forecast.
    SCARBOROUGH: They are going to torch the place. Bill?”

    Halpern gets in on it:
    “Still ahead, `96, you know what my slogan was, Mike? The streets will flood with the blood of unbelievers. It was great. And then I ended every speech, let`s torch this place! People stood up. It worked.”

    And so on and so on. And it happens again all day for Friday.

  14. tooncigars Says:

    Big Ed got stressed trying to be the lefts Rush Limbaugh avatar– it’s not working and he knows it– why is it that so many of these MSNBC characters act like little Hitlers? (Scarborough, Olbergruppenfurer, Matthews, Schultz and the late Schuster)– outside of O’Reilly, u don’t seem to have that on FNC–

  15. why is it that so many of these MSNBC characters act like little Hitlers?

    So, MSNBC’s personalities are similar to anti-Jew dictators? Interesting.

  16. I’m actually surprised Olbermann would come out trying to shoot down The Post story after what I’ve posted today and all the circulation it’s getting. It’s one thing to have plausible deniability. It’s another to think you still have plausible deniability after someone’s found a smoking gun…

  17. I’m pretty sure KO was off that week. So he wasn’t in the building, but still felt assured that he knew the Post made it up. Hey, even The Enquirer gets it right every now and then..

    Uh oh. Cenk in for the just-back-from-vacation Ed Schultz. Hmm..

  18. “Uh oh. Cenk in for the just-back-from-vacation Ed Schultz. Hmm..”
    Yeah I saw that and wondered if their was something to it. Maybe a good reason but Cenk didn’t say anything.

  19. Cenk: “Ed Schultz? Never heard of ‘im.”

  20. chipsohio Says:

    I wonder if there’ll be an upcoming announcement that Ed Schultz has been assigned to a “Special Project” @ MSNBC??? 😉

  21. “What’s MSNBC’s Special Project?” ‘Radio.’

  22. I read somewhere Uygur is in tonite because Ed is shooting promos. At least that should ward off any more ‘torching’ talk for a week or so.

  23. claudiva33 Says:

    I caught a few minutes of Cenk Uygur’s show today and what a hate-filled guy this is. He doesn’t like anything or anybody and we are all ignorant fools. He’s gonna fit right in with the rest of those guys at Messnbc. I sense some competition on who can be the most hateful between him and Olby.

  24. tooncigars Says:

    ^”So, MSNBC’s personalities are similar to anti-Jew dictators? Interesting.”– progo, i think u know i mean nasty, little screamers with big egos– u guys never seemed to mind when u called Bush a Hitler– i doubt u want to go down that road–

  25. tooncigars Says:

    ^“What’s MSNBC’s Special Project?” ‘Radio.’– heh,heh– good one joe– rumor has it that he’ll do the “News You Can’t Use” on Joe and Mika’s new radio show–

  26. ED Schultz is a liberal racist, in my opinion, by that i mean if anybody don’t share his views then they are racist in his little mind.
    The only positive issue i share with him is the 99’er thing. I will be one of them soon. I hope he keeps pushing that issue, and i would support that issue regardless of my situation.

  27. […] at the DNC’s favorite network? Actually, yeah. Here’s video from “Morning Joe” clipped by Inside Cable News back on August 13, the day after Schultz’s alleged tirade. ICN says Scarborough’s parting line […]

  28. iraqwarvet1201 Says:

    I’m actually surprised Olbermann would come out trying to shoot down The Post story after what I’ve posted today and all the circulation it’s getting. It’s one thing to have plausible deniability. It’s another to think you still have plausible deniability after someone’s found a smoking gun…

    You actually take an article from the Post (Murdock owned) and report it as fact. Who is their source? Do you seriously believe that someone who works for a Murdock owned company has access to 30 Rock and what goes on inside offices there?

    Are we to blame Page Six of the Post for this gossip (which should be expected) or Inside Cable News for actually re-publishing this gossip?

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